Weird Stories : Beautiful Books : Online Community

Strange, moving, provocative fictions, poetry, and drama
featuring work from Roxane Gay, Blake Butler, Gabriel Blackwell, Candra Kolodziej, and others
Weird, haunting, dramatic
fictions, poetry, and experiments
featuring work from Lindsay Hunter, A.D. Jameson, Kathleen Rooney and Elisa Gabbert, and others

Laura Ellen Scott
Twenty-one weird, spooky stories capturing the ghosts of rural America.
Download this ebook free at Goodreads.
“Laura Ellen Scott’s first book, Curio, is a weaving together of cold nights and mountain men, cashiers and predators, people who watch from windows and strangers who sit down in other people’s cars. Winter farm houses and harvest moons, neighbors suspiciously like demons, and ax men all make shadowy appearances in this forty-four page, twenty-one story collection set in the isolated woods of Appalachia.”
- Elizabeth Buchanan for jmww
Uncanny Valley Press was started in 2009 as a lit blog and online publisher, eventually growing into a publisher of weird and beautiful books. We published a magazine, the first two issues of which are awesome and still available for purchase, and a book of lyric essays, Brian Oliu's Leave Luck to Heaven. We are no longer reading submissions or publishing books, but if that changes, you will find our guidelines here. In the meantime, we invite you to join the Uncanny Valley forum, where we talk about culture, entertainment, good books, dumb birds, and more.
The proprietors of Uncanny Valley are husband and wife duo Mike Meginnis and Tracy Bowling. Mike is the author of Fat Man and Little Boy, a novel where the atomic bombs dropped on Japan are reincarnated as two brothers. Tracy writes serial short stories set in a fantasy post-apocalypse at Strange Clay.